How often should I backup my Sendio ESP?
We recommend taking backups from the Sendio ESP on a daily basis.
How do I setup backup using my enterprise backup server?
Version Mar08SU 1209 and later: Backups can be pushed to a Windows/Samba share or USB drive. Navigate to Console Interface > Backup/Maintenance and arrow down to the very bottom of the right side of interface – you will find the Backup/Restore Location. If the backups are pushed to a Windows/Samba share the enterprise backup server […]
How to backup using Windows command line?
Below is an example of using Windows command line to “pull” the most recent backup files from an Sendio ESP at Please refer to the Sendio Backup Restore Guide, which can be found at, for more information. C:\\> ftp Connected to 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.4) User ( sysarchive 331 Please specify the password. […]
How do I back up the Sendio ESP?
Versions earlier than Mar08SU 1209: Backups can only be pulled via FTP. Please refer to the Sendio Backup & Restore Guide at Version Mar08SU 1209 and later: Backups can be pushed to a Windows/Samba share or USB drive. Navigate to Console Interface > Backup/Maintenance and arrow down to the very bottom of the right side of interface […]
Why is it important to back up the Sendio ESP?
Why is it important to back up the Sendio ESP? Maintaining the integrity of your corporate information is vital. That is why the Sendio ESP provides the ability to back up all configuration as well as the last 24 hours of e-mail. The backup can be used to recover operations on a replacement unit (at […]