How do I set up a cluster?

Version Mar08SU 1209 and later:

  • Connect a crossover Ethernet cable between the two units, using their respective RED Ethernet ports on the back.
  • Ensure that both units have the same software version by examining the information in the Console Interface > System Configuration section.
  • If necessary, use Sendio Update to update the software on one or both units.
  • On the primary node access Console Interface > Cluster Configuration > Make Server Primary.
  • On the Primary unit (and only on this unit) set the Cluster IP Address to an available internal IP address.
  • Once the Make Server Primary process has completed access Console Interface > Cluster Configuration > Make Server Secondary on the secondary node.
  • Configure the firewall to route SMTP traffic (TCP 25) to the Cluster IP Address.
  • Configure the internal e-mail server to route SMTP traffic (TCP 25) to the Cluster IP Address.

Versions earlier than Mar08SU 1209:

  • Connect a crossover Ethernet cable between the two units, using their respective RED Ethernet ports on the back.
  • Ensure that both units have the same software version by examining the information in the Console Interface > System Configuration section.
  • If necessary, use Sendio Update to update the software on one or both units.
  • Using the Console Interface > Network Configuration section, set “Is this a cluster” to “Yes”. Set one Sendio ESP to “Node1” and the other to “Node2”.
  • On the active unit (and only on this unit) set the Cluster IP Address to an available internal IP address.
  • Configure the firewall to route SMTP traffic (TCP 25) to the Cluster IP Address.
  • Configure the internal e-mail server to route SMTP traffic (TCP 25) to the Cluster IP Address.